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EN.CORE: You host this festival called MONSTER BOX. Could you tell us something about it?
Яyo: It is an event where we invite bands we like and respect to play together.
EN.CORE: It seems to be an event to break down borders between musical genres.
Яyo: Yes.
EN.CORE: But you use the label ›New Wave Of Japanese Heavy Music‹. What does it mean?
Manager: It’s basically a ripoff of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
The interviewer laughs.
EN.CORE: Oh, really? Nice!
Nii: But, we also kind of want to create a new genre of music.
Яyo: We were known as a Visual-kei band, but we want to get out of this tag line. So, one reason for it is to move out of this.
EN.CORE: This is how the event appears to us: Get rid of labels that put you inside a narrow box.
Яyo: The Visual-kei scene is very small. We are not against Visual-kei; it’s not all bad. But, we want to be able to work with other genres and experiment a bit with different bands. You know, in the Visual-kei scene there are only Visual-kei bands. Of course, all bands have different music styles as Visual-kei is not a style of music.

» read the full interview at EN.CORE!
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