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Ladybaby Jap-Ro Showcase 2015/12/05 Cologne
EN.CORE: How is Metal different in Japan compared to the rest of the world?
Rei: Generally, Metal is very gloomy, very dark. But, I think, that Japanese Metal bands emphasize to have a good look and appearance. It’s not so manly and harsh, that’s the difference. And also, Western Metal is easier to perceive.
Ladybeard: I think, one more time, the value system of the audience is different. And I feel—this is of course a huge generalization—but Western Metal revolves around a Rock’n’Roll concept of going against the grain. Metal has always been a safe haven for the rejected, who never fit into anywhere else. There is a strength through unity kind of feeling.
But in Japan, it’s totally different. Because it is much more a communal experience, and it is much more about enjoying Metal with a group of people who also enjoy Metal. There is an amazing thing about watching shows in Japan. You know, like in the West, there is a circle pit. And there is always one guy going the wrong way, just to be a jackass. It’s always like that, right?

Ladybaby Jap-Ro Showcase 2015/12/05 Cologne
» read the full interview at EN.CORE!